Cyber Bullying: If you are being bullied by someone who is using technology turn the computer off, or block them on your phone. You feed the cyber bully with energy when you respond or react to their cyber bullying. You have the power to turn things off! Use your power. Don’t let the cyber bully take away power. That is what they want.
Final Thoughts: If you are feeling like hurting yourself, or someone else, because you are being bullied you need to seek help immediately! You are acting in an extreme manner and it is not worth hurting yourself or someone else!
Call a mental health hotline, talk to a counselor, school counselor, parent, or, teacher. Keep talking to someone until you get the help you need! Why would you ever want to hurt yourself, or someone else, because some really sad and sick bully is picking on you?
Bullies wont feel sorry for you if you try to hurt yourself, or anyone else. The bully will just turn it around and make you look like the weak one. They will say you are too sensitive, stupid, needy, and so on. When you hurt yourself or someone else, you are the weak one!
So, pull up your boot straps, get your big girl or boy pants on, man up, toughen up and help yourself to take responsibility! Talk to someone! Stand up for yourself! Say “Don’t Bring That Bullying Crap Into My Yard!”. Get over the fact that a bully tried to bully you.
Some people still hold on to the fact that someone bullied them in high school years ago. I get e-mails all the time from fifty year olds still hurt because they were bullied in high school. They claim the bully ruined their life and they are still allowing a person they have not seen in years get to them.
Let it go and turn it into a positive and say, “I learned this from that stupid bully and I am better for it!” Let the bully make you stronger. I know that bullies in my life have made me stronger. I partly became a counselor because of these bullies. I wanted to help people and teach them how to deal with mean and ugly bullies!
So, look at me now my old bully enemies of the past! I turned that bullies negativity into something positive. I am stronger for it. I am teaching others how to be stronger through my counseling and my writing. You made me become a stronger counselor because of the mean and hateful things you said.
Now, I get to help others. I turned that pain into something positive! What a better life could you ask for other than bringing kind and positive thoughts and ideas in the world?! Trust me, living a happy life is the best revenge!
Looking back at the times in my life when someone said, or did, something mean to me and I allowed myself to get hurt I can now see that“I” was also in the wrong. I should have smiled more, laughed it off more, and maybe I should have been kinder to the bully / mean teaser.
I realize that it is just not in the “range of normality of human behavior” to be a bully. They were trying to pick on me and make me feel like I was the “freak”? Now, I can see clearly that I was not the one who was the “freak”. I was acting “normal” by being nice to people and being shocked that someone would actually be bizarre enough to want to bully another human being.
Now it's your turn to get out there and turn the pain into something positive. You can help someone or something in a positive way. Make the world a better place for someone by doing something kind. Don’t turn yourself into a bully by hurting yourself, or someone else.
Accept and acknowledge that you are not going to take bullying, or mean teasing. Learn and practice positive bullying coping skills and use them! You will grow as a person and have better self esteem.
You can be smarter than the bully. If you are being bullied then you are also at fault. You are acting like a victim in some way and not setting positive boundaries for the bully. If you are setting boundaries (a.k.a. positive bullying coping skills) then you are standing up to the bully and the bully will find another victim to pick on who does not use these skills. Be your own hero! Teach your children to be their own hero as well.
Bully Responsibility Journal Idea Activity:
Start taking some responsibility for allowing yourself to become bullied. You own probably half of this. If someone does not like you for whatever reason, use a coping skill, tell an authority figure, and move on. You can’t change bullies, but you can change how you respond to the bully.
Log the times that you are bullied or teased in a journal. After you write this down shut the book. Come back to it in a few hours and write an appropriate coping skill. If you are being hit, threatened, or emotionally abused tell someone immediately. If they are calling you names and it is a mean tease, use a coping skill.
Log the date, time, and place for each incident. Look for patterns you can change. Accept what you can’t change. Do you need to do coping skills? Look for another job? Find another place? Try to think of this situation as an “Experiment with Bully Prevention”
Share Your Bullying Prevention Idea with the World!
For more information on bullying prevention coping skills check the links below. If you would like to submit a bullying prevention coping skills to this website we welcome you to share it and help others. We might not be able to ever stop bullying, but we can take responsibility for how we respond to it by being emotionally intelligent and using preventive bullying coping skills . See the link below for more information.
Disclaimer: This website and its content is intended for trained licensed mental health professionals and school certified mental health professionals to use for their clients / students at their own discretion.
*If you ignore the disclaimer above are using these techniques on yourself and you feel any discomfort or upset it is highly suggested that you seek out a licensed mental health professional immediately.
"Beyond Art Therapy" is the concept from Dr. Stangline that combines all creative fields in therapy. It is not the traditional "art therapy" but goes beyond to include sand tray therapy, play therapy, mindfulness, meditation, color therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and a vast majority of other therapies.
For any other type of mental health emergency call your local 911 / Police Number immediately.
Dr. Stangline does not offer advice / suggestions to anyone who is not a professional mental health provider, or a student who is studying this field and has questions about mental health programs of study.
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