Comments for The Colors Personality Tray Student #5 for Sand Tray Therapy

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Interpretation for Sand Tray Therapy
by: Student 1

Interpretation for Student 5- Personality
July 1, 14
By Student 1

This sand tray therapy tray was a bit difficult to see. Part of it was in the shadows. I find the personality trays the funniest. It is almost like s puzzle to solve. This one has a large section representing "blue." It appears that the sand is actually higher in this section. I can imagine this is to set it apart and that she is not hiding this part of the personality. In fact it looks like she is very confident about it. There is a young girl that is a ballerina on the highest level. She states he likes music and is limited to the miniatures for the sand. I think the selection of the young girl represents her young at heart spirit. There is a maraca next to the girl that confirms her love of music. The Dream Dictionary did not have a symbolic meaning for this. Which could shed more light into this piece.
There is a Teddy bear close to the girl. The Dream Dictionary stated this could be a symbol of regression. Similar to what I said in the choice of the young girl figure. It also says that the Teddy bear can represent the loss of comfort and security. This may tie in with the relationship of wanting to be very "competitive and always win" which the student stated.
I also noticed seashells. I saw the shells crated a cross right away. That sign of spiritual or religious connection There are also lambs miniatures close by. The Dream Dictionary relates the lambs to peace, vulnerability and innocence.
The "Gold" section shows army men. The Dream dictionary states that army men can show superiority, power and rigid authority. This ties in with the student stating she likes to be in control.
The "Orange" is the smallest part of the tray. This is a bit odd to me because she likes to be competitive. I would of thought it may be larger. She shows a metal in the area of the tray which is perfect to show achievement and competition.
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#2 Interpretation of Sand Tray for Sand Tray Therapy Class
by: Anonymous

There are several items in this sand tray but the items that stand out the most appears to be the sea shells. There are more shells in the tray than any other item. The shells are placed in a cross design almost as if to denote a cross or x. There is a girl, rattle, and a teddy bear at the head of the sea shells. This maybe represent a sacred item because it is placed so that nothing is allowed to touch it, maybe even as a barrier toward the other items in the tray. According to the symbols dictionary shells represent fertility, sometimes contain pearls, they may be linked to death. According to the dream mood website shells in a dream may represent security and protection; such as not showing true feelings to protect oneself from being hurt. Possibly represent a desire to be sheltered from life’s problems.
What does it all mean? This particular tray gives a certain calmness, quite possibly fertility is represented here by what appears to be a baby rattle and a teddy bear. Possibly it is more likely that the shells represent some sort of barrier, something positive, peaceful, something that is able to protect the objects centered at the top of the shells, there seems to be protection provided by the shells. What is being protected is not totally clear it could possibly be something that is not exhibited in the tray. The other items in the tray are difficult to see and identify, but they may be causing some sort of threat or feelings of uneasiness, but it is difficult to say. It is obvious that the creator wants protection and has found it in the sea shells; this could even be protection from the parts of self that are undesirable or unproductive.

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"Beyond Art Therapy" is the concept from Dr. Stangline that combines all creative fields in therapy. It is not the traditional "art therapy" but goes beyond to include sand tray therapy, play therapy, mindfulness, meditation, color therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and a vast majority of other therapies.

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