Over eleven years ago I wrote my dissertation on Neurotechnology (A word I made up with my dissertation committee). This dissertation basically discussed the acceptance of neuroscience in the mental health community. I have placed my dissertation paper on this website to again ask the question, "Why are mental health professionals not looking at the organ they treat?"
I understand that it is expensive to actually look at a client's brain through medical methods available today. However, how much is it actually costing society when we continue to use methods that have been used for years and often do not work as well as we want them to work.
Imagine getting a brain scan that shows what parts of your brain are working well, not working hard enough, or working too hard. Imagine being able to tell right away if you have bipolar disorder, a learning disability, or trauma from a brain scan!
Neuroscience is a topic that all mental health professionals should be studying and applying to their private practice. Neuroscience makes the mental health professional a more credible expert. Start your journey of learning neuroscience today!
Michelle Stangline
July 2006
Co-chair: Dr. Mike Dubi, Ed.D.
Co-chair: Dr. Jim Reynolds, Ed.D.
Reader: Dr. Douglas Riedmiller, Psy.D.
Department: School of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Argosy University, Sarasota, Florida
The purpose of this research is to measure the mental health professional’s perceptions, beliefs and experiences towards current trends in brain research, especially Brain SPECT Imagery in regards to diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Fifty mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors, were surveyed.
Six mental health professionals, two psychiatrists, two psychologists, and two counselors were interviewed to seek information on their personal beliefs and perceptions of current trends in brain research.
The researcher wanted to learn the current attitude towards brain research and to seek information regarding why the mental health professional does not use this information before diagnosis and treatment of patients.
If the technology is available for mental health professionals to look at a patient's brain, then why is this not being done?
The research findings from the survey were broken down into percentages of those who agreed with the survey questions. The interview findings were explained using a qualitative approach.
The preponderance of this research suggests that mental health professionals from the psychiatric, psychological and counseling arenas are not ready to accept current trends in brain research, especially Brain SPECT Imagery, as a part of the diagnostic and treatment process.
Future research needs to be completed in this area before the mental health professional would be open to utilizing brain research for patients.
Copyright (c) 2006
By: Michelle Stangline
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This website and its content is intended for trained licensed mental health professionals and school certified mental health professionals to use for their clients / students at their own discretion.
*If you ignore the disclaimer above are using these techniques on yourself and you feel any discomfort or upset it is highly suggested that you seek out a licensed mental health professional immediately.
"Beyond Art Therapy" is the concept from Dr. Stangline that combines all creative fields in therapy. It is not the traditional "art therapy" but goes beyond to include sand tray therapy, play therapy, mindfulness, meditation, color therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and a vast majority of other therapies.
For any other type of mental health emergency call your local 911 / Police Number immediately.
Dr. Stangline does not offer advice / suggestions to anyone who is not a professional mental health provider, or a student who is studying this field and has questions about mental health programs of study.
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